Promise Keepers "Standing In The Gap" Men's Rally in Washington, D.C.Church's Current Mind Set Toward Evangelism:
Evangelism's goal is to wins souls, wins souls, win souls. In case you missed it, and evangelist is a soul winner.
Some Current Forms of Evangelism That Has Been Effective:
- Tent Revivals, Camp Meetings
- City Wide Crusades
- Mass Crusades: ie. Billy Graham Association
- Televangelist on Television
- Local Church's Revival Meetings
- Street Evangelism
- Rescue Missions
- Wycliffe Bible Translators
- Mission Aviation Fellowship
- Jews for Jesus
- Promise Keepers
Evangelism's goal is birth, birth, and rebirth. As Jesus told Nicodemus, "You must be born again."
Some Different Forms of Evangelism That Has Been Effective:
- Women at the Well Model: One on one prophetic ministry leading to community revival
- Nicodemus Model: Born Again message to people in and out of Church
- Loafs and Fishes Model: Group evangelism while meeting physical needs
- Attacking the Occult: Prophetic Presbyteries, "Psalm Readings" instead of palm readings
- Within the Church Itself: Birthing new ideas, visions, programs, ministries, etc.