Spirit of Evangelism: Rescue Missions

Making An Impact On Our Community

 History reveals that the Church often “birthed” ministries that had direct impacts on their local communities. Most hospitals were founded by the Church, but today we do not associate the medical field with the religious community. Many orphanages and “old folks homes” were birthed out the Church’s commission to take care of the widows and orphans, yet today children services is part of the government social services and “assisted living” are run by private for profit corporations. Even the Y.M.C.A. started as a “Young Men’s Christian Association”. Today we have lost the “C” in YMCA.

In a day when national Health Care is a hot political button, maybe we should ask who should take care of the ill, the elderly, the orphan, the homeless? Should it be the government’s responsibility? Should it be the Church’s? Should it be the families or individuals?

With the current cuts in budgets the numbers of homeless is growing. With drug and alcohol rehab centers facing closing due to budget cuts, the hope for recovery dims. Is the Church ready to respond to the needs of the homeless and the hurting?

I want to salute the Rescue Missions for their endeavors of reaching out to the helpless, the homeless, the poor, the drunk, the drug addict, to anyone needing help. Their supplying food and shelter is still at the forefront of Christian Service in spite of government services and agencies. Not only do they meet the “needs” of daily survival, but they still give hope as well as share the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, and don’t compromise the gospel. They still are an example to us all on how to respond to our community and not compromise the gospel. What can we learn from them, and what should we be doing?