Sammy’s Story: A Story of Success!

Sammy’s Story Part II


(Read Part I first)

Sammy was lonely, in the depths of despair, bottoming out, lost, but then he met a man who told him that in spite of how he felt, God loved him. The man began to explain how he personally had once be as lost as he, but was introduced to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Sammy, desperate, listened. When asked if he wanted that saving grace, the man lead him through scripture called the Romans Road before leading through the sinner’s prayer. Sammy’s burden miraculously lifted, giving him an experience he had never known. He now felt peace.

This man then introduced him to Ralph, a close Christian friend, who invited him into his home as he began to walk Sammy through his new life as a Christian. Sammy was told that in Christ Jesus all things are new, thus Ralph helped his new friend understand about all this newness in practical everyday terms.

Bob came to Ralph’s place on Tuesday nights to teach a Bible study, noticing Sammy’s curiosity and thirst as he asked question after question. After the gathering, Bob came up to Sammy and asked if he could come over in two days and continue to study with him. Sammy was ecstatic.  For the first time, hearing the Bible seemed to make sense, and Sammy wanted to make this knowledge a reality in his life since all he had was simple naive faith.

Then he met Ruth who came to the next Bible study.  She had a passion to worship like Sammy had never experienced before, and soon Sammy was seeking how to draw nearer to God and learning to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.  This Spirit walk, like everything else, was new to Sammy, but Ruth helped him along.

Over the first year, Sammy had grown spiritually at a torrid pace as Ralph nurtured his walk, Bob taught him the Word of God, and Ruth challenged his intimacy with God. Amazingly in just a few years, Sammy found himself nurturing other new Christian as he had learned through Ralph. He loved doing it, for helping new believers in their infant walk of faith in their daily life had become his passion.