Church Is About Relationships!
It has been quite a while since I have blogged. The past blogs I wrote about the caterpillar to butterfly stage of the metamorphosis stage of church development I wrote in book form, centering on the cocoon stage, the transitional stage. How do we get from an organization to an organism, from religion to relationships, from an institution to peer acceptance?
I am also in the midst of redoing this website so that it will not just be a blog site, but will also offer manuscripts that I have written over the last thirty-five years, tutorial courses on the five fold, and all kinds of interactive possibilities. Stay tune for the upcoming big change. I will be offering my Metamorphosis E-book at that time!
During this break from blogging, it has become even more apparent to me than ever that Church is all about relationships. If we are “God’s people” then we must begin to act like “people of God”. We have to grow and mature into the likeness of Christ individually and corporately. The institutional church has “enabled” those who attend their structural programs for far too long into becoming passive Christians; the church needs to nurture, care, and develop the believers in Jesus Christ, the priesthood of believers, and then RELEASE them to be active in their destiny in Christ. As this blog site proposes, it can be done through the five fold!
In an age where networking is part of the fabric of our culture, the Church needs to look at how to retool itself by developing a network among believers, not only within the local church walls, but geographically as well as world wide. Church is about relationships. Isolation brings religion, sects, divisions, and close mindedness.
So, thanks for your patience during the absence of my writing, anticipate newness to this web site, and continue to build relationships with those who know Jesus Christ as brothers and sisters and those who do not know Jesus Christ, so you can share the gospel with them.