How Is The Five Fold Being Released Among You?
Before a spiritual revival hits an area, there must first be a spiritual hunger. Unfortunately, even though the economic mood is tense, unemployment as a challenge, health care for everyone a national debate, I do not feel that the American Church is hungry enough for revival. Revival brings change, and most of the churches in the U.S. feel they are doing fine, still feel they are spiritual leaders globally, feel elitist to most of the churches in third world countries and the rest of the world. There is not that desperation nor brokenness that comes with a need for God. The U.S. Church lacks to desperation for God that fuels revival.
The U.S. still feels it leads in spiritual teachers, worship music and musicians, finances, technology, and mega-church structures and organizations, but it lacks the grass roots hunger that ignites revival: brokenness, hunger and thirst. Something like embracing the reality of the five fold passions, vision, and points of view that already exist in their edifices is foreign to the U.S. church because it would demand change in structure and the way it does “church”.
I follow on my Facebook page Alan Hirsch because of his experience with the five fold when he lived down under in New Zealand before coming to the U.S. I try to glean from his experiences and wisdom. There are places in this world where the Church is allowing the five fold gifting, passion, points of view, and passions to arise and be birthed, nurtured, and released within the Body of Christ. Unfortunately, the American church has not been that receptive to the change that such an acknowledgement would bring if the five fold was embraced and the Holy Spirit released to initiate, orchestrate, develop, and be released in American churches.
I am calling to the Church outside the United States. If you are seeing the release of the five fold in your church, could you please comment back as an encouragement to we believers in Jesus here in America. Place an entry on Facebook page, so that I and other believers in Jesus can dialogue with you.
I truly believe that the five fold already exists in our churches; we just need to recognize that fact. Then we need to ask the Holy Spirit how to make Ephesians 4 applicable to our churches today. How are we to equip the saints for the work of the service, win the lost in the 21st Century, nurture and care for those in the Church, teach with an apostolic anointing of unity, prophetically move forward and listen to he voice of the Holy Spirit and the heartbeat of the Father, and be able to see over all that the Spirit of Jesus Christ is doing in his Bride, his Body, the Church?
I also believe that the Church outside the U.S. borders will probably be more open to this movement in God than the American Church. Much of the spiritual leadership will arise through experiencing the five fold in this new dimension, then releasing those who have practiced it, experienced it, to share with the rest of the global Christian community.
Church outside the borders of the U.S., I ask you to respond!