Caterpillar to Butterfly: Government Run By Boards, Committees, and Hierarchal Leadership– TO – Government Run On Relationships Of Give And Take In A Five Fold Format
From Caterpillar to Cocoon to Butterfly – Part X
In this series we have been asking the question, “What happens with metamorphosis during the cocoon stage?” How, structurally, do you get a butterfly from what once was a caterpillar? In my Aug. 20, 2011’s blog, I listed several forms of transformation that I see occurring inside the cocoon of change for the church. Today we will look at the principle: Government is run by boards, committees, and hierarchal leadership (caterpillar) TO Government is run on relationships of give and take in a five fold format (butterfly).
Caterpillar: In the past church “government” has bred “church politics”, often power struggles. Schisms and splits have occurred over the choice of the color of carpet, organ or no organ, youth involvement, salaries, housing, order of worship, etc., etc. Some local churches are governed through congregational meetings and voting, some by boards of deacons, elders, some by church councils, some by pastor/parish committees, and some dictated by strong pastors. Often pastors have had to yield what they have felt as strong callings, convictions, directions, and discernment to governing boards who oppose what they are doing. Many a discouraged pastor and/or parishioner have left the church when being caught in this political vice.
Butterfly: Government will be built on relationships that will breed respect, honor, and accountability. IJohn 3:16 of “Laying down your life for your brethren” will be the foundation of “serving” one another, giving and taking from each other because of linear relationships as peers, as being just Christians. An example would be the five fold where the five very different passions and points of view would be united through the leading of the Holy Spirit as each of the five gives to the other four of their talent, ability, and passion, and willing receive from the others who are so different from them. One’s strength will support the others weakness, and each will “release” the other to follow their passion.
The Differences: Old and current governmental church structures nurtured and wheel power and support a pyramidal hierarchy structure, while the new governmental church structure would foster respect, honor, and accountability through linear relationships of service, through laying down ones life in sacrifice, not in position of authority.
Implications Today: This process will be one of the most difficult things for the church to transition because it will be attached by the very “power” it opposes. Unless led by the Holy Spirit and taken to the Cross of vertical and horizontal relationships the Church will not wither the storm. The disciples were rebuked when arguing over who would be on Jesus’ left and right in the kingdom when they felt standing by his side would be a noble political cause, but they fled and would be replaced by two thieves to be on Jesus’ left and right when hanging on the cross on that infamous day. Those three on their crosses faced the same fate on a horizontal plain of suffering and death. None of the disciples hung there nor were there. They would have to rethink their whole kingdom of God theology before changing the world.
Conclusion: We, the church today, have to rethink our theology on church government, for church isn’t about politics, nor church government about power. The Bible states that “the government shall be upon his shoulders,” referring to Jesus’ shoulders. That government is built on service and sacrifice, for Jesus “came not to be serve, but to serve” and “to lay down his life for his brethren,” showing us how the kingdom of God is to be governed. Church government the way we think of it today is about to undergo a transition that will take it from a power struggle to one of service and accountability. Oh, if we could only see how this is to all work out inside the cocoon of change.