Part IV: Possible Linear Pattern To Evaluate!
If we are demolishing old structures and looking for new, what possibilities are there? One may be the five fold model under the following pretenses:
The five fold is not offices or positions but passions, desires, and points of view that drive a believer in a certain direction.
- The five fold is not part of a hierarchal system of professionals with titles over nonprofessional believers.
- The five fold is evidenced by what one does, what motivates that person, what drives them, not who they are or what position they hold.
- The five fold is a linear process of believers walking beside other believers in their Emmaus walk of faith together, not hovering “over” someone.
- Since each of the five fold separately has divided the Church so far in history, each must learn to serve each other and submit to one another, being willing to “lay down their lives for their brethren” in order for it to work.
Each of the five fold:
- Is a peer to the others, an equal in the faith, that is driven by a passion, desire and point of view.
- Needs the other four, for one’s gifting, or strength, augments the other’s weaknesses.
- Needs the other four to become balanced in ministry and approach.
- Walks beside one another serving, not ruling. (Jesus modeled this when on earth as a man.)
- Is relational to the others either birthing, nurturing, teaching, developing, or networking through service
Every local church, body of believers:
- Needs an evangelist to birth new converts, birth new projects, be the midwife to what the Holy Spirit is doing
- Needs an shepherd to nurture, care and develop the sheep in practical day to day faith.
- Needs an prophet to bring spiritual life to a church, draw others into worship, and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit through obedience.
- Needs a teacher to keep everyone grounded in the Word, the Bible through apostolic teaching rather than religious dogma
- Needs an apostle to network people serving people from their strengths and callings
- Needs the five fold to bring birth, develop maturity, and cultivate unity.
The five fold is a linear model worth evaluating to see if the Holy Spirit can be released among God’s people in the spirit of service.