Part I: The Prophetic Five-Fold Word of 1993:
On the evening of April 15, 1993, while sitting quietly in my living room, I asked the Lord a question, “What is the five fold ministry all about. How is it to work? “
Here is what I wrote down that night:
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The Lord began to show me how He wants His Church, His Body, to represent Him ruling and reigning in this time. Jesus is currently reigning in the heavenlies on the right hand of His Father interceding for His Church, His Body, or the remnants of his earthly body, His true (Spirit and Truth worshipers) believers. His glorified body is sitting by the Father. The Holy Spirit has been activated to get his Bride, the Church, ready to be in a position, condition, or place to be prepared for His Second Coming, so they too can be glorified with Him.
As a child I used to put my hands together, interlocking fingers, and begin to recite, “Here’s the church; there’s the steeple” while raising my two pointing fingers up. Then I opened my thumbs while saying, “Open the door” as I unfolded my hands showing my interlocking fingers, “and there’s the people”! God’s Church is still His people. It never was meant to be a building, and never will be. But the Lord is calling His people to the Five Fold Ministry in these end times. He gave me a diagram to illustrate this point. We think of a church building to be in this shape. We put a cross at the top of it to distinguish it from any other building. The Lord is building a building, not in the natural, but in the supernatural. The building has five points. Each point is a member of Ephesians 4:11’s Five Fold Ministry. (There is no set position for each office on the diagram. They can be rotated.)
Each house or building or local (national or international) church of believers needs in it at least one apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher to:
1) Equip the saints (vs. 12);
2) Build up the body (vs. 12); until we all attain to: (vs. 13)
a) Unity of faith;
b) Knowledge of the Son of God;
c) Maturity;
d) Measure of Stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.
Currently we only have a “measure”, but the Holy Spirit wants to lead us towards the “fullness” as He prepares the Bride who will be ‘without spot or wrinkle’, the glorified Body of the Church in the ‘fullness of Christ’ for the coming groom at Christ’s Second Coming!”
The Lord has assured me that men will make mistakes as the Holy Spirit leads them through this end times process of preparation, for one way man learns is through error. Repentance can only come after a fall or mistake, so He will develop a repentant heart, a repentant Church.
The Lord has shown me how in my life time that He has raised up evangelists, pastors, teachers, prophets, and soon apostles not only locally but of international proportions.
In the 1970’s when the charismatic gifts were being poured out, in man’s lack of Godly wisdom and understanding, many were seeking “their gift” not knowing that the Lord’s desire is for us individually and the Church corporately to grow into the “fullness of Christ”, not in meager mustard seed measures. We are, as a Church, to blossom into His fullness, the Bride ready for the groom. In the ‘90’s many will scramble to find “their office”, again showing their lack of maturity in Christ. If people scramble to do this, we will only have the shell (see diagram) of another Church structure with no life in it, and legalism will set in, and self appointed “offices” will fight and bicker with each other, and like other empty structures the Church has built in history, it too will crumble.
The Lord showed me that the star stood over where the Christ child lay during his First Coming, and a star will also mark His Second Coming. This star will not be in the heavens above the earth, but inside the framework of the Church. (See diagram) That star, that light, will be the Holy Spirit manifesting Jesus Christ in His Church through the five fold ministry. Each “office” of the five fold ministry can not stand alone, just like a Lone Ranger Christian can not stand alone, but they need to be:
1) Communicating with each other;
2) Accountable to each other (Each office is a point of the star and will keep its point sharpened by the other four!)
3) Serve each other, never Lord over each other. There is no jockeying for positions, for you can rotate a five pointed star and no one is ever always on top. They must give to each other!
4) We will have to learn to receive from each other too!
5) We will have to accept one another as peers, equals, not a hierarchy positioning.
(Continues in next blog…..)