Insights Into The Covid-19 Church Era –Part XVI
“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” (Luke 22:31-32)
Often they lacked faith, questioned everything, did not understand his parables, fought over power positions, doubted, denied, and even betrayed him. They were common, uneducated men, some simple fishermen. None were Pharisees or Jewish scholars. What did Jesus see in the twelve he chose to be disciples? What leadership skills Jesus saw in them is beyond me, but as mere mortals, they were willing to lay down their vocations and follow him.
Jesus had spent three years investing in them walking, talking, teaching, encouraging, and confiding in them. He would even be willing to die for them. He would later empower them with His Holy Spirit, making these men “fishers of men.” What can the Covid-19 era church learn from this?
First, Jesus placed His faith in the common man. Not one of the twelve had earned an academic degree from any higher educational institution. None of them looked at discipleship as a career opportunity. In fact, after Jesus’ crucifixion, most of them would return to their previous careers, like fishing. Only Paul, not one of the twelve, had any formal religious training, and he had to be religiously detoxed and earned his livelihood as a tentmaker. Jesus came to earth as the son of a carpenter, without distinction, rank, or honor. He invested Himself in mankind and died for them. After His death, He would ascend to a position beside His Father, as King of Kings, still interceding for the common believer.
Second, if His disciples were to become apostles, they would have to learn how to make disciples as Jesus had modeled. Jesus taught them, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 18:9-20)
A disciple of Jesus is a follower of Jesus. An apostolic believer has the desire to network and bring these multi-passionate disciples together. Peter influenced the Jewish brethren; Paul influenced the Gentile brethren. They united as recorded in Act 15. If there ever is a time to network a fragmented body towards unity, it is today, because Jesus is coming to return for His Bride, His Church, who is without spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but is holy and blameless. The Church needs believers gifted in networking.
Third, now is the time to develop, equip, and release believers with apostolic passions, with expanded vision of the Church, and is able to see the Church locally and globally as the Bride of Christ. We need gifted networkers to equip and release believers with different passions to serve.
Last, apostles are common everyday believers who will train, nurture, equip, release, and lay down their lives for the brethren. They are not professionals, senior or lead pastors, bishops, or superintendents. Paul equipped the saints for works of service before leaving to start a new work. This five-fold networking became the DNA of the early Church. An apostle is neither an administrator or a micro-manager, but is an ordinary believer who listens and obey the Holy Spirit. He is not an “over-seer” but “sees over” what the Holy Spirit is already doing. He quickly learns that the Holy Spirit does the work, not the apostle.
We are living in an age when God’s people need to be birthed, developed, nurtured, and equipped to do work of service. It is now, in the Covid-19 era where buildings are not needed, but disciples are prepared, equipped, and released to minister. No longer confined inside a church building, the Covid-19 era church must break out of these barriers and be released. The Church must have their veil to their sacred cows rent in order to release the saints to minister. The believer functioning as an apostle is the person who knows just how to do that!