Insights Into The Covid-19 Church Era –Part XXXIII
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatian 2:28)
- Indians were call “natives” because they are the only “native” American we have; everyone else immigrated to our soil. Thousands of Europeans have passed the Statue of Liberty on their way to Ellis Island in New York
- in the search for freedom of religion and starting a new life, yet…
- We have annihilated the American Indian, robbing him of his land, life, lifestyle, and dignity.
- We brought Africans to America against their free will as slaves.
- We are building a wall trying to prevent our Hispanic neighbors from moving North.
- … and where was the Church in all this?
- The church attempted/forced the “native” Indian to convert to Christianity by creating Indian Schools.
- The church in the South proof texted scripture to justify slavery to preserve their economy.
- The church ignores the plight of families being broken up, while detaining young children in fenced facilities away from their parents. The breaking up of families has had long term damaging affects on the Black family; how is the breaking up of Hispanic families going to affect their family structure in the future here in America.
America history now praises those who were part of the underground railroad, advocating for freedom for slaves from slavery, but today’s White evangelical Christian communities condemn cities of refuge on the West Coast even though the concept of Cities of Refuge is Biblical. They also oppose new immigration in America from our neighbors south of our border. 150 years later, they oppose any underground railroad bypassing Trump’s southern border wall.
So if the church believes in evangelism, in cultural diversity in its ranks, as peer acceptance in Jesus no matter of race, religion, social status or sex, it will need to create some new wineskins to accept the new wine of tolerance, forgiveness, generosity, loving ‘our neighbors’ as oneself, peer acceptance, and diversity. Old wineskins no longer tolerate this kind of wine. Old wineskins have produced White churches, Black churches, Hispanic churches, Oriental churches, etc. by race and social status. Old wineskins and attitudes have forced the United States into a Civil War 150 years ago. Those same wineskins and attitudes that reject this new wine could also bring us to the brink of another Civil War if we don’t repent.
John the Baptist cried, “Repent, repent, or the kingdom of God is at hand.” Repentance is the turning from the old to the new. Repentance demands rejecting old ways, old attitude, old wineskins if we are to embrace the new wine of the Holy Spirit and what He has. If we are to unite as the Bride, the Church, in preparation for the Groom, the return of Jesus, we better have our lamps full, our wicks trimmed, and have a time of self-reflection and repentance before the Groom comes.
Christians risked their lives establishing the Underground Railroad. Christians have been honored by being called “Righteous Gentile” by the Jewish faith for hiding and saving Jews during World War II. Christians need to again risk their lives to correct social injustice, stand beside our Black and Hispanic brothers in Christ who are working and living in America. The Church wants revival, but revival comes with a price. Is the American church willing to repent and be willing to pay that price? That is the question the Covid-19 era Church must ask itself.